Sunday, May 10, 2015

Holly part 1


I wiped the drop of water from my forehead and stared at the front of the room. It was obviously a make shift waiting room. I sat on a stone slab, alone in the empty air filled cavern.The ceiling dripped single drops, as if slowly trying to refill the cavern with water. I sympathized with it. The sharks sucked out the water, to make this room. This waiting room. I walked over to the wall. I graced it with the tip of my fingers.  “I’m like you” I whispered “I'm empty too" I laugh. " I mean I pretty much sold myself... I’ll give you a bit of good news, they will refill you and you will feel fulfilled. I don’t really get to do that, at least until I get pregnant. Even then I might still feel empty" I looked around " that's why I'm here. To make babies. Doesn’t that suck, I mean you feel empty because I needed to wait here, by myself. You don’t even care about that. I mean you’re rock. You reproduce by.. well I actually don’t know if you reproduce I mean.. Well I don’t think you would understand. I mean I don’t really know how it works… I know how it’s done and what happens after but… Yes..To make babies. Yeah and I’m waiting. Why did I come here. Well it would be a lie to say I was the unlucky girl to had her name picked out. I volunteered… Why? I've been asking myself the same question, It's for the good of my village. That's also a lie. You see all you need is water to feel whole again. The part of me that is missing is gone forever... And I’m taking to a wall.”
I return to my stone slab seat and sit. By myself, in the dark, alone. No that's a lie I have the wall. Who is a very good listener. 
I can't leave myself to my thoughts. If I allow myself to realize to be consumed by reality, I will shut down. At least my soul might dissipate into a cloud of smoke. Poof gone. I'm kind of tempted to try.
           I walk back to the wall to continue our conversation.. Or monologue… Nothing I have no more to say. I'm empty.

         I imagine other people who must have waited here. A girl my age escorted in. Sits where I'm sitting, her eyes swollen and filled with tears, her body barely finished morphing, shaking witheach sob. Her grief overwhelming but not enough to crush her. She would sit in silence except for the sounds of sobbing and the cave weeping with her. So much crying.
A few minutes then 10 more girls are escorted in. Some have faces red and swollen from their tears, others filled smiles. Giggling air heads with illusions of big homes and an army of children. So naïve, most women die in childbirth. That's why they're alway recruiting. They tilt their heads and gossip. In the dark cavern they sit and wait, a soundtrack of weeping women, giggling girls, and a weeping cave. Half knowing what's going to happen but at the same time having no idea, they sit and wait.
“I hope the food will be better then at home.”
“All I want is a big room and a nice bed”
“I am not sharing a bathroom”
“Do you think they have kitchens?”
“Don’t be silly why would an officer want you. I’m thin and far prettier”  

I sit there in silence imagining silly girls ramble and ramble on. I fold my hands and looked at the ceiling of the damp cavern. I imagine myself comforting the crying girl, I pat her on the back and offer her my handkerchief; she takes it and wips her eyes. I'm comforting her but she still barely realizes I’m there. She mumbles in a dialect I barely understand. I nod my head as if I understand and she pulls herself in close to me and wets my shirt with her tears.  
This is what I did back in the village. He would always say that I had that effect on people, even the ones who don’t even know my name. He described it as a warm feeling that I gave off that made people instantly feel at ease. It was one of the reasons he fell in love with me. Now it’s more like a curse, the warmth is fake. I feel empty. I probably don't actually have that effect on people anymore. Isn’t that bloody wonderful. I can't help others or myself. He would not have falling for the person I am right now. I hate myself.
         A officer walks in. At least he appears to be a man of high rank, since he didn’t have a rank displayed on his arm band. Well I think that’s what that means. On my journey to the mountain the other sharks were explaining etiquette to me. I wasn't paying attention. I felt cold and my mind was completely blank. All I could think about is whether I can even have children. Many women can’t. I felt like a failure before I could even try. I think I'm in shock, if that what’s this odd ridiculous feeling is called.
It takes me a second to realize he's real. That I didn't make him up. He was so handsome. In a strong man who could throw you over his shoulders and protect you from stuff, kind of way. Not my type but I could make it my type if I was giving the chance. I didn't care anymore. He came in with a smile different from all the other men that I had encountered thus far. “Gwynn?” he said with a smile. "Holly" I corrected. "O my apologies, It took longer than expected to arrange your living arrangements you will be staying with a lady named Mal. If you follow me I will show you to your apartment." He motioned me to leave. I looked back at the cavern and smiled. It soon will feel complete.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Holly Part 2

            I followed the officer through water filled and air filled caverns. He seemed unperturbed by the constant morphing and un-morphing, well that being said sharks barely morph back. People tell a lot of tales, growing up I've heard my fair share of stories. Most of it seems like fairy tales, myths, historical fact contorted for the sake of entertainment. Fact; sharks and whales just barely morph, they start breathing through their mouths in air and breath through their gils in water, their skin changes texture and their fins absorb, well except their dorsal fin. Apart from that their water and air forms are almost identical. It makes more sense that there is little change. It's painful to change and the less change the better I would assume.
            There are fairy tales about how we used to live on land and were cursed to live underwater. Bullshit. That's just because when we morph in air we resemble more the land dwellers, just means our species has been switching longer, because we're weaker. If we were as strong as the sharks then we wouldn't have to make air pockets or find them in caverns to hide from predators. We've always been here, living in and out of air pockets, keeping away from creatures that would kill us.  Though it doesn't protect us from the invertebrates. They just destroy and eat... That's why I'm here as exchange for protection. Sharks are only born male and our village couldn't afford the fee so we agreed to the exchange. 
            I barely heard him when he told me we arrived at the cavern. We pass through a small alcove, where he gives me a bag filled with clothes and other essentials. He leads me to the biggest cavern i have ever seen. I've heard about them in stories about the cities, places filled with buildings and people so dense you could barely see the ceiling. homes attached and not attached.
"This is the lower housing quadrant. There are 2 other housing quadrants for upper level families, once you become pregnant you will proceed to the midlevel quadrant. The 4th quadrant is the market, you will be giving a monthly allowance for food and other essentials."
He guides me through streets and alley with houses that nearly touch the top of the caverns. Women and sharks walk through the streets rushing to get to there destination while other take their time watching others interact.
"The sharks live along side the women. When we began to establish this arrangement they were separate but it made more sense to have us co-exist. More opportunities for people to establish relationships. If you decide to be married and stay after giving birth you will be moved to the middle housing quadrant and will be provided a home more fitting a family. The upper quadrant is reserved for officer and ladies from wealthy families." he pauses and looks at me "they pay for better accommodations." he said a bit disgusted. "At least the officers earn them" he said underneath his breath probably thinking he was saying it in his head. The message was pretty clear women who came from money only wanted to be with officers so they paid and made sure they saw them as much as possible.
                 It was a pretty common tale that women of wealth married handsome elegant officers and women who were poor were matched with rough grisly abusive lower soldiers. The tales also told of houses packed with women with only room to sleep, which you also used to eat. The bathrooms were shared among many homes and were generally terrible. The sharks would go into the houses and rape you every night. These were complete fabrications.
             He stopped and I kept walking forward.
"I had a feeling you stopped listening. Which is common enough when entering a new place. We have arrived at your new home."
             I look at the home and it's bigger than my home from the village. It was two levels high with a front patio with a table and chairs perfect for watching the people walking by.
"This next part is very important so listen carefully. Inside your received bundle this is written if you need reference. The rules of courtship are as follows.
           One may refuse a shark only after going on 3 dates, which must be formally made by the shark and recorded by the ministry. This is the responsibility of the shark. He will be given a form for you to sign. If he doesn't have the form the date is not official and you may refuse to see him.  If the shark becomes violent or forces himself upon you, the date is void and depending on the circumstances the shark will lose any right to further dates. During the date you are not required to have any physical contact and should not be forced to have physical contact. Please be very clear at the beginning of each date you're level of comfort and make sure it is noted in the form you sign. This is very important even if you don't want any or are comfortable with more. If there are issues with the shark please bring all concerns to the ministry which is located in the market.
          One may refuse a shark if one can show superior physical ability. The challenge must be formalized and a member of the ministry must be present during the challenge or the challenge must take place at the ministry office. This is rare but I'm mentioning this just encase. It's a technicality because we don't want physically strong women partnered with inferior men for breading purposes. When we first started women had to challenge the sharks before a relationship was official but we found if the women loved the shark they would lose on purpose thus defeating the reasoning all together.  
           One may refuse a shark if they physically assault you or another female. This must be reported immediately to the ministry in the market. We have zero tolerance for violence against the women in our communities please remember this. If you see another women being assaulted please inform the ministry."
             He looked at the ceiling making sure he hadn't forgotten anything.
"You will be sharing this home with a women named Mal, she keeps to herself. So don't worry if you barely see her. It might even feel like you're living on your own. Her last roommate described it as such. This is where I take my leave. If you have any questions or concerns please go to the ministry it doesn't close."
           He left me and I just stood there staring at the house. The door was made of wood, I think. Wood is pretty rare definitely in this condition but the sharks lived under a small island so maybe it grew trees. Most wood was taken from ship wrecks, even then it was in rough shape. I walked up and entered the house. As soon as I passed the threshold there was a kitchen with a eating and living area in the the same room then at the back of the room was a set of stairs that lead to a second floor. I stood in the doorway in shock as I tried to take in the grandness of the room. . I lived in a home with 3 others, we had a small bathroom and no kitchen. We had kitchens in the village but they were communal few had one in their homes. We definitely didn't have stairs. I'm drown to the stairs and make my way up. There are three doors, two open one closed. One was a washroom and the other was a bedroom. 
"I guess the open one is mine?" I said to myself.
I walk through the open doorway and take it in. There is a bed and a window and shelves and a mirror with a small table underneatth. I've never had a mirror before I only heard about them in tales. The wall were bare and the bed had no covers. I place my bag on the bed and walk to the mirror. I stare at myself. I'm smaller and thinner than the previous time I saw myself. My hair is yellow and fine with a slight curl. My eye are tired with a glint or greyish blue. I touch my face, and fix my pale blue dress. I look dirty.  
"the covers are in the back drying."
I turn around with my arms up in defence. Reflex. A tall lean women is standing like an elegant statue in my doorway. Her hair is black and long and her eyes are completely grey with long lashes. Her whole body was wrapped in bandages and she wore a light grey dress over it. Her face was blank of expression. Her presence was silent.
"Please stay out of my room." She said then glided down the hallways and into her room so fast I barely realized she left the doorway. I sat on the bed. I will let her keep to herself. The bed is firm but soft. I've never had my own bed before. I see the dirt on my hand brush off onto the mattress and quickly get up. I go straight to the washroom and try to clean myself. I pour myself a bath hoping to soak away all the dirt and hardships. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Boy and the Bubbles

A long long time ago in a far away land, people possessed special gifts that made them very rich.
Gifts that could let them keep fires without timber, control rain or make sand into soil. Unfortunately, as the gifted ones grew rich and powerful, the un-gifted became poor and homely. Many formed clans and became nomads just to survive.

One such clan was the Dorleas. The Dorleas clan were fishermen by trade who traveled from shoreline to shoreline. They fished for themselves and sold the rest to the Gifted Families. They were not rich but they were comfortable.

The Gifted Families ruled the land. Their gifts were closely guarded for their genes were only passed down through the first born of a Gifted from each partner. The Families were designed so the Gifted would be the sub leader when they came of age and leader when their children came of age to become of age to become their council. The former council and leader if they were still alive would become elders.

The Families became very powerful. With power comes greed. The Families started wars with each other and ultimately destroyed each other including their lands. The Lands became barren and many died. 

The Dorlea clan was unharmed by the fighting. They travelled far from the fighting. One lucky day the Dorlea clan came upon a shore that was filled with fish. They fished for days and their nets never came out empty. After many months passed, they decided to set up a settlement until the fish migrated, but the fish never migrated or failed to fill their nets.

The settlement became a village, and the village became a town. The town prospered and the humble fishermen grew very rich. The Dorleas were a nomad clan for many generations. They knew very well to never take more than the sea could give. Though with wealth comes power and with power comes greed. The Dorleas became very greedy and fished more than sea would give. The fish in the nets became lighter and lighter. The town of  Dorlea quickly lost all of it's wealth and power. People returned to life as nomads, some turned into beggars and others ended their lives.

One father felt extreme grief and believed that his sons shouldn't grow up to have such a dismal life. So he brought his sons to the pier, flicked them into the waters then shot himself. The town quickly gathered upon the hearing of the gun shots. They watched as the youngest grabbed onto the oldest to try to stay afloat. The town desperately tried to figure out how to save the boys. No one would jump in, for fear that the boys were struggling so much that they themselves would be pulled in. The only option was to wait for the boys to pass out and then save them. The risk was very high.

Then the most amazing thing occurred: The air that the oldest son was blowing into the water each time he was pulled under didn't rise and burst at the top but sank to the bottom. Each bubble joined the others making a larger and larger dome. When the dome reached the boys they fell in and landed on the bottom. They could breathe and walk around. The people on the shore realized what happened and cheered and shouted. When the boys stopped panicking they took a boat out, lowered a rope into the dome and pulled the boys up to safety.

The dome remained unharmed until many days later when it popped.  The townspeople waited a few days before they tested the boy to see if the dome was a miracle from the gods or a sign the boy was gifted. This time they safely brought him to the water and told him to blow bubbles. He blew nothing happened. They tried a second time with no result. They tried a third time and this time the boy thought hard and blew bubbles. The bubbles formed and sank to the bottom creating a dome and several more. The people cheered. They had a gifted one.

They decided against using the dome for fishing, instead they used it to create. They used the domes to create a new form of agriculture that was under water. The domes were close enough to the surface to get sunlight and the soil was always hydrated. The plants were unaffected by wind and pests, making it the perfect form of agriculture.

The town of Dorlea became prosperous again. The town became a city; The city became a kingdom; The boys grew up and became the Kings of the Kingdom and their children and their children inherited his gift and ruled the kingdom together fairly creating instead of taking.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Holly Part 3

    It's funny that when I lived in the same room as three other people, I dreamed of having my own room. Which is what it's like now because I haven't seen Mal since I moved in. I see signs of her. Once I left dishes to do when I got back from the market and they were cleaned and put away when I got home. The bathroom is never dirty, and I haven't cleaned it. Whenever I put laundry on the line, I find it folded and ready to be put away. It's nice but I feel lonely, and bored. I usually just sit with a cup of tea on my front porch and watch people walking by. 
I walk to the market and watch a group of friends chatting and gossiping and I yearn for that kind of companionship, but I don't have the confidence. It was so much easier when I was back home. When I went out into the Square and I would know everyone there. And they knew me; they'd known me all my life, and I'd known them all my life, and here I don't know anyone.

I think of a plan to try to make my roommate like me. I decide the best thing to do is to win her over with food because most people need to eat. I've never seen her eat but I'm assuming she does. It would be weird if she didn't eat, right? I mean, should I even be friends with someone who doesn't eat? I decide to make two of all my meals. I bring mine into my room and shut the door. I leave the other one in the kitchen. 

It doesn't work. When I'm done my meal and go back downstairs to clean my dishes, the meal is still there. So I put it away. The next day I try again, except this time I leave a note saying "I made a bit too much so I made a plate for you to enjoy *happy face*". I go hide in my room and eat my lunch. I come back downstairs and notice that the note is gone, but the food still hasn't been touched.

Some say I'm very stubborn, I say I'm persistent and determined. I decide that, regardless, I will continue doing this, because in my old household whenever someone made a meal they made enough for everyone. It makes me feel better to make another meal; it makes me feel like I have friends, even though no one's eating it. I start to make up stories in my head of why the meal was untouched; maybe she just went out to supper, or she's had a stomach bug, or maybe she's actually a vegetarian and doesn't eat fish.

Then one day, I come back to an empty plate. I check the garbage to make sure she didn't throw it out and pretend to eat it, just to be polite. That turns into our tradition, I guess. For the next few weeks each time I make a meal, I make two and the second one magically disappears. I decide to start taking my meals out to the front porch so I can watch the people go by. By the time I go back inside, the plate is clean.

Now that I've broken the first barrier, which was eating my food, I decide to break the next barrier with my secret weapon: tea. So every morning, afternoon, and evening, I make a pot of tea take out some biscuits, two cups, and knock on her door.
"Now I made some tea, would you like to join me? I have some biscuits… well, if you're interested, I'll be on the front porch."
I feel rather silly. I know that she might not even be in her room. She could be sneaking through the tunnels that make up the humongous mountain this cavern is in. She could be at the market, she could be on the roof, she could be anywhere else and here I am just knocking on the door of an empty room. I do it anyway, to fulfill what you could call a one-sided friendship, but a friendship nonetheless. 

The day she joins me on the porch she scares the shit out of me. I don't even hear the front door open; I only notice her when she starts to pour herself a cup of tea and grabs some biscuits. She doesn't say a word. She just sits there and watches the people like I do, and drinks her tea. I'm afraid to talk to her, I'm not going to lie. I'm afraid that if I talk to her, she'll get up and leave and never come back and my chance at friendship will disappear so I don't say a word. Yet.

After a week of drinking tea and eating biscuits in silence while stocking the people on the road she finally says something. "Holly," her voice is raspy and low, "I would like to go to the market with you next time. I really like going to the market. May I come with you?" I think my pause for silence lasts a tiny bit too long because her face starts to distort into an actual facial expression. I'm just so shocked to hear her initiate conversation. "Of course!" I almost scream. Mal seems unphased by my exclamation. I think she might've actually smiled. I don't know if she is amused by my outburst or that she was just happy that I agreed to let her come to the market with me. 

About Me

To write or not to write, it depends on how bad's my arthritis. I have always had stories in my head but I never write them down. So here i go.